March 15, 2006

tactful is NOT in kris aquino's vocabulary

I never thought I would feel strongly against Kris Aquino not until this morning while watching her in Game Ka Na Ba. She has quite a reputation for speaking her mind recklessly, but what I witnessed this morning was totally appalling.

Normally, I wouldn't watch this overrated game show, but what caught my attention was the roster of contestants the show had for today. TRANSGENDERS. The type you wouldn't guess were biologicaly males, not unless you hear them speak. And yes, some of them were even more beautiful than the true-blue female species! So, out of curiosity, I watched on.

The time came when only four of the contestants remained to play for the final round. As usual, Kris interviewed them, juicing out the interesting info from the final contestants. After that, she had to introduce the defending champion. A decent-looking woman in her forties. Ms. Aquino could have introduced her plainly, but she had to make a comment on the woman's being single at that age. Allow me to transcribe:
Kris (to the final contestants): "And here's Marie, ang ating defending champion. Alam niyo maaawa kayo sa kanya kasi at 40 she's not married and she's never been engaged ever!"
And she said that on national television. Blood rushed to my head, and I found myself babbling angrily against our T.V. screen. If only Kris could hear me. I was furiously mad!
I need not say that her comment was very insulting. Why pity a woman for being single? I mean, what circumstances merit that being single is such a pitiful state? Well, I know a lot of women who are single, by choice and by circumstance, but most of them are the most admirable women I know in my life. I never thought they were pitiful. NEVER.
I guess what maddens me is the fact that these women are seen in a demeaning way. Thanks to Ms. Taklesang Kris Aquino.
Ms. Aquino, care to look at your life again. Because the way I see it, mas nakakaawa ka. Enough said.

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